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Origami Clovers

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                 ORIGAMI CLOVER

This is how to fold small Origami Clovers with four petals.
I made them out of green papers in three different color tones.

Fold Origami Clovers
Step 1:
Fold over these two lines, all three parts are the same size.

Fold Origami Clovers


Fold Origami Clovers

Fold Origami Clovers                                                                        


Fold Origami Clovers

Step 6:
Fold over these four lines.

Step 5:
Fold in half, do the same on the other side (see arrow).

Step 2:

Step 4:
This is the other side of the model.
Fold the right part straight upwards.

Fold Origami Clovers

Step 3:
Fold over these two lines, fold the right line a little off the centerline, see arrow.

Fold Origami Clovers
Step 10:
Fold these four corners inwards.


Fold Origami Clovers


Fold Origami Clovers

Step 8:
Repeat step 7 three more times.
Step 9:
Press the lower part inwards and curve the petals downwards.

Step 7:
Fold this prefolded line to the left.

Origami Clovers in a small pot

Fold Origami Clovers

Step 11:
Fold the stem in half two times and curve it a little.

Fold Origami Clovers


Origami Clover

Origami Clovers                                                                        


This is a video tutorial for folding the Clovers:




Origami Swans and Clovers

Origami Clover

Left Picture: Origami Swans, Origami Diamond, Origami Heart Bangle, Make-up stuff and Origami Clovers.