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Origami Carnation Flower
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               ORIGAMI CARNATION

This is how to fold realistic looking Origami carnation flowers out of white papers.
Instructions for the stems and leafs are in the video tutorial.
Fold an Origami Carnation flower

Step 1:
Prefold in half over these four lines.

Fold an Origami Carnation flower


Fold an Origami Carnation flower

Fold an Origami Carnation flower                                                                        


Fold an Origami Carnation flower

Step 6:
Now, crumple the model in your hands.  It doesn't really matter how you crumple it, just keep the side in this picture facing up.

Step 5:
Make a mountain-fold over these 4 lines.

Step 2:
Fold the corners to the center.

Step 4:
Make a valley-fold over these 4 lines.

Fold an Origami Carnation flower

Step 3:
Fold the corners outwards.

Fold an Origami Carnation flower
Step 10:
The upper arrow shows the piece at the arrow below  in the picture of step 9. The arrow below shows the piece at the upper arrow in the picture of step 9.


Fold an Origami Carnation flower


Fold an Origami Carnation flower

Step 8:
Unfold the model until it has the same shape as in step 6 again.
Step 9:
Pull the piece at the arrow above downwards, in the direction of this upper arrow. And pull the piece at the arrow below, upwards, in the direction of this arrow. Do this by making folds over these 2 sets of 3 lines.

Step 7:
Here I already crumpled the model a little. Crumple a little more now.

White Carnation Flower

Fold an Origami Carnation flower

Step 16:
One flower is done...

Step 15:
Push or pull the outer edges downwards, see the arrows as examples.
Step 12:
Now the bottom of the flower looks like this.
Step 11:
Press the bottom of the flower firmly inwards from all angles and twist it in the direction of the arrow.
Step 14:
Fold some of the corners on the edges downwards by making a valley- or mountain-fold on these corners,  see the arrows as examples.


Fold an Origami Carnation flower


Fold an Origami Carnation flower

Fold an Origami Carnation flower Fold an Origami Carnation flower                                                                        
Fold an Origami Carnation flower

Step 13:
The edges on top of the flower are made of 2 layers on many places now. Pull these layers loose from each other, see the arrows as examples.


Origami Carnation flower


Fold an Origami Carnation flower


Step 17:
Here a flower is glued to the top of a stem.
Instructions for making the stems and leafs are in the video below.

Fold an Origami Carnation flower







Origami Carnations


This is a video tutorial for making the carnations:


Origami Carnation Flowers