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Paper Witches Dollhouse

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                ORIGAMI CAULDRON

This is a tutorial for folding a witches cauldron out of one purple paper square.
I used my cauldron for a large selfmade paper Witches dollhouse.

Make an Origami Cauldron

Step 1:
Prefold in half over both lines.

Make an Origami Cauldron


Make an Origami Cauldron

Make an Origami Cauldron                                                                        


Make an Origami Cauldron

Step 6:
Valley-fold over these 3 lines (=rabbit-ear fold). Use the prefolded squares pattern as guidance.

Step 5:
Repeat step 3 and 4 in this direction.

Step 2:
Fold the corners to the center.

Step 4:
Fold over these two lines and unfold the folds of step 3 and 4 afterwards.

Make an Origami Cauldron

Step 3:
Fold over these two lines.

Make an Origami Cauldron
Step 10:
Fold the center into a square shape.


Make an Origami Cauldron


Make an Origami Cauldron

Step 8:
Fold over these three lines, use the prefolded squares pattern as guidance.
Step 9:
Repeat step 8 on these three places.

Step 7:
Repeat step 6 on the other three flaps.

Doll Witch with Origami Black Cat, Skeleton and purple Cauldron.

Make an Origami Cauldron

Step 12:
Fold the flap in half two times. Then fold it downwards over the lower line.
Repeat on the other three flaps.
Step 11:
Fold the edge inwards on these four places, use tape or glue.

Make an Origami Cauldron


Make an Origami Cauldron



Origami Cauldron                                                                        

Paper Witches Dollhouse

This is a DIY-video for making the paper cauldron:


Picture: Paper and Origami Witches Dollhouse (by Joost Langeveld)


Paper Witches Dollhouse