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Newspaper Origami Skirt
Newspaper Origami Skirt

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This is how to make a box pleated skirt out of newspaper magazine papers.
I used 5 large papers for my own skirt. First all papers are glued together into
one long paper and then the skirt is folded out of it.
The skirt can be made out of other papers too, like wrapping papers or
colorful magazine papers, whatever you like.
Step 1:
Measure your waist to decide how many papers you need for making the skirt.
Tape / glue 5 or 6 newspaper parts together into one long paper.

Make a newspaper Origami skirt

Make a newspaper Origami skirt


Make a newspaper Origami skirt

Make a newspaper Origami skirt                                                                        


Make a newspaper Origami skirt

Step 6:
Fold over these two lines.

Step 5:
Repeat steps 2 to 4 until the skirt has the right waist length.

Step 2:
Each paper part has two newspaper pages, prefold one page in half, see arrow.

Step 4:
Glue / tape the upper part of both edges together, see white marked area.
Now prefold two pages in half over the two outer lines.
Then fold both lines inwards, to the edge of both pages.

Make a newspaper Origami skirt

Step 3:
Fold the edges of the page to the prefolded centerline.

Make a newspaper Origami skirt


Make a newspaper Origami skirt


Make a newspaper Origami skirt

Step 8:
Glue / tape the remaining parts of the edges together, see white lines.
Step 9:
Fold the (sharp) edge inwards.

Step 7:
Fold parts sticking out of the model backwards, see black line as example.
Glue / tape both ends together, see arrow.

Box pleated skirts made out of newspaper pages

Newspaper Origami Skirt


Newspaper Origami Skirt


Newspaper skirts

Picture: Skirts made out of newspapers by Joost Langeveld



Newspaper Origami Skirt
This is a DIY video for making the newspaper skirt:
Newspaper Origami Box Pleated Skirt