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Origami Willow Tree

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               ORIGAMI WILLOW TREE

This is how to make a miniature paper willow tree with Origami leaves.
The trunk and branches are made out of brown papers.
Make a paper Willow Tree

Step 1:
This is a green a4-size paper. Prefold and cut into three parts of the same size.

Make a paper Willow Tree


Make a paper Willow Tree

Make a paper Willow Tree                                                                        


Make a paper Willow Tree

Step 6:
Fold over these two lines and turn the model.

Step 5:
Fold the prefolded lines to the right.

Step 2:
This is one of the three parts.
Fold it in half.

Step 4:
Fold both edges to the centerline. Unfold the folds of step 3 and 4 afterwards.

Make a paper Willow Tree

Step 3:
Prefold in half and fold both edges to this prefolded centerline.

Make a paper Willow Tree
Step 10:
Fold in half and turn the model again.


Make a paper Willow Tree


Make a paper Willow Tree

Step 8:
Press flat, see arrows.
Step 9:
Repeat step 7 and 8 six more times.

Step 7:
Fold over these two lines.

Miniature paper Willow Tree

Make a paper Willow Tree

Step 16:
The trunk is made out of a large brown paper enhanced with white paper and metal- / florist wire.

Step 15:
Done... Below are four of these parts glued into a cluster.
Step 12:
Fold the edge in half.
Step 11:
Fold this edge to the left / inwards.
Step 14:
Curve the tiny leaves upwards.


Make a paper Willow Tree


Make a paper Willow Tree

Make a paper Willow Tree Make a paper Willow Tree                                                                        
Origami Willow Leaf

Step 13:
Repeat step 11 and 12 on the other same edges.


Make a paper Willow Tree


Make a paper Willow Tree


Step 21:
Press and twist the upper part of each branch inwards / around the florist wire.

Step 19:
The main trunk of the tree is done now...

Step 20:
The branches are made out of smaller brown papers enhanced with white paper and metal- / florist wire.

Step 18:
Bend / curve the trunk on various places.

Origami Willow Leaves
Step 17:
Press and twist the upper part of the trunk inwards.

Make a paper Willow Tree




Make a paper Willow Tree


Make a paper Willow Tree                                                                        

Make a paper Willow Tree                                                                        

Make a paper Willow Tree                                                                        

Make a paper Willow Tree


Step 22:
Bend / curve each branch on several places.

Make a paper Willow Tree                                                                        

Step 24:
Here I glued a cluster of leaves to the top of the trunk.
The leaf clusters are spreaded all over the tree on various places.

Step 23:
Here I glued a branch to the large trunk, see marked area.




I glued the base of the trunk to a piece of cardboard.
This is a DIY video for making the miniature willow tree:

Origami Willow Tree




Origami Willow Tree

Picture: Origami Willow Tree in a miniature dollhouse park. An Origami Owl's sitting on one of the branches.