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Doll Witch with Witches Wand

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                ORIGAMI WITCH WAND

These are step-by-step photo instructions for folding a witch wand
out of a paper rectangle (two squares).
Make an Origami Witch Wand

Step 1:
I layed a yellow rectangle (two squares) on a silver colored rectangle and folded the witch wand out of it.

Make an Origami Witch Wand


Make an Origami Witch Wand

Make an Origami Witch Wand                                                                        


Make an Origami Witch Wand

Step 6:
Fold over these four lines, use the prefolded lines as guidance. Turn the model afterwards.

Step 5:
Fold over this line, use the prefolded lines as guidance.

Step 2:
Fold in half.

Step 4:
Prefold in half, then fold the left part in half three times. Unfold afterwards.

Make an Origami Witch Wand

Step 3:
Prefold in half, then prefold both edges to this prefolded centerline.

Make an Origami Witch Wand
Step 10:
I opened the folding lines of the previous step here.
Fold the edge upwards on both corners.


Make an Origami Witch Wand


Make an Origami Witch Wand

Step 8:
Press flat, see purple arrows.
Step 9:
Fold over these two lines.

Step 7:
Fold over these two prefolded lines.

Doll Witch with Witches Wand

Make an Origami Witch Wand

Step 12:
Glue the right edge on the left edge, see arrow.
Step 11:
Fold over the two long prefolded lines on the right, they go further outside the picture.
Fold the left part into a pyramid shaped tube.
Step 14:
Fold over these two lines and glue the right edge on the left edge, see purple arrow.


Make an Origami Witch Wand


Make an Origami Witch Wand

Make an Origami Witch Wand Make an Origami Witch Wand                                                                        


Step 13:
Fold the right part of the model flat again.




Origami Witch Wand

Paper Witches Dollhouse




Picture: Paper Witches Dollhouse by Joost Langeveld



This is an Origami video tutorial for folding the Witch Wand:


Origami Witch Wand